Being part of a vibrant community is what makes us so gosh-darn happy. We just love strolling down Main Street on a Sunday afternoon, volunteering at Godfrey Daniels on a Friday night, or enjoying tunes in the Sun Inn courtyard on a Thursday night in summer. And Back Door bakeshop supports the good work of the organizations that make our community vibrant.
Here's a preliminary list of upcoming events which Back Door Bakeshop will be a part of. Stay tuned to our Facebook page for more details as they're confirmed.
South Side Film Festival Annual Fundraiser Mar. 24
Godfrey Daniels Annual Members-Only Free Concert Mar. 30
Spring on Fourth, What's on Third? Apr. 21
Chocolate Meltdown to benefit the Sun Inn Preservation Association May 20
Earth Day Cleanup Downtown Bethlehem Historic District Apr. 28
Bethlehem Farmers' Market at Campus Square Thursdays May-Oct.
Bethlehem Historic District Farmers' Market Tuesdays May-Oct